How many hours at a camp site constitutes a "camping trip"?
We didn't spend the night, but we went fishing, ate grilled steak and hot dogs, and got filthy, dirty. I'm calling it our official first camping trip.

Our friends Frances and Steve and the girls are camping for the girls' spring break this week. My dear friend Frances convinced me that it was a good idea for me to load up all 4 kids (alone, because Daddy was working out of town today and tonight) and join them. It turns out that it was an excellent adventure.
We left home after I picked up Austin from preschool (1:30pm) and didn't get back home until around 8pm. Everybody was wiped out!
My cousin Kristin joined us with her son Evan. He and Austin caught a couple of brim. You would have thought they caught a prize winning bass.
The triplets got their daily dose of camp ground dirt and dust and were like little pigs in mud.
pleased u all had an excellent time :)
Hi! Just wanted to write that I stopped by and enjoyed reading. The pictures were great also.
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