For $1.99 each you can purchase movies and tv programs that toddlers l.o.v.e. on ITunes. I have purchased 4 or 5 of Austin's favorites and he's now sharing them with John, Lauren, and Tyler. I also have an old, old episode of The Three Little Pigs. This is what they were watching in the photo.
This gave me enough time to get the kitchen cleaned up before I had several little ones trying to get into the dishwasher! Have you ever tried to clean up after 4 toddlers after a meal when they are trying to crawl through it? We're gonna have to do this more often!
Azaleas blooming in my back yard mean one thing. The Masters Tournament is just around the corner. This is one weekend of the year when Clif wants to spend as much of Saturday and Sunday as he can in front of the HDTV. It is a gorgeous television broadcast in hi-def.
Clif and I are fortunate to know someone with tickets, so we have both been to the tournament. I have gone once and he has gone more than a dozen times. He is really burned out on being at the tournament, but he loves to watch as much coverage on tv as he can.
All of you fellow southern bloggers will love Phil's Champions Dinner Menu:
- southern fried chicken,
- baby back ribs,
- beef brisket,
- smoked sausage, and
- vanilla ice cream for dessert
Check out the story at the Golf Channel web site.

:) LOL
sounds like a good plan
love your flowers
Thanks for stopping by my blog this weekend. Your kids are adorable...do those triplets have red hair? I have 3 redheads too, but they came one-at-a-time. ;)
I despise Masters week... but it could because I can't leave my house without running into all of the golf traffic! It is beautiful here right now though, aside from the pollen of course.
I'm with Heather! Aaaand I'm guessing it's because we live in the same city. LOL.
This is vacation week for us. :-)
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