Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Lauren's First Steps

It's a Lauren day at our house. She was the smallest of our triplets, the reason we had to deliver (she stopped growing in utero), and the most likely to have neurological issues. Today she passed both of her triplet brothers in the walking department. Overnight she became more steady and is taking more steps than either one of her brothers. Austin is cheering her on!

The development timelines of our triplets have been really interesting to me. With singletons, you tend to forget some of the little details. It is hard not to compare multiples. Our three are all so unique. Early on, John was way ahead of Lauren and Tyler and didn't qualify for our state's early intervention program. They both did for gross motor skill delay. Today, he is the furthest behind in his gross motor skills. All three are getting physical therapy to keep them caught up to their adjusted age.

Gross motor skills is the only area of development they need help with at the moment. Their fine motor skills are wonderful and they are all three motor mouths. I say "I have talkers, not walkers." Our house is getting "YOUD" as Austin would say. Actually, it would be "It's YOUD Mommy!" We have lots of singing (well, mostly humming), chattering, and imitating. And new words are followed by shrieks of joy; them and me.

Our triplets are fraternal and I sometimes wonder how things might be different if any of the three had been identical. I had a funny conversation with a friend that has quads yesterday (2 of her 4 are identical). It's funny what you discuss when you become a mommy. We were comparing poopy diapers. She asked if my three had similar types of poop.

The sad part of this conversation was, I knew the answer without even thinking. Ours are all different, just in case you are wondering. She said that her identicals have the same type of diapers and the other two are different. Isn't that just weird? If you told me 10 years ago that I would have that conversation, I would have laughed out loud.

We met while our kids were in the NICU. Her oldest is 4 days younger than our Austin and her quads are 3 days older than our triplets. Yes, between the two of us we have 9 kids -2 born in Feb '04 and 7 born in September '05. Of the 9, we have 7 boys and 2 girls. That's just C-R-A-Z-Y!

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1 comment:

2Forgetful said...

Having kids means that poop is suddenly acceptable dinner conversation. Oddly enough, my identical twins usually have different poops. But then I have nothing to compare it with some perhaps I'm mistaken. See, parenting=poop okay to talk about.