Rather than risk her waking her brothers, I brought her down with me. She sat with me while I looked at some of my baby pictures from the late 1960s. She giggled every time I turned the page. She actually pointed and giggled! It was so cute. It will be interesting to see if she thinks my baby pictures are her as she gets older 'cause right now...she's lookin' like her mama.
If it's not painfully obvious, the three diagonal pics are of me as an infant and toddler and the rest are my little Lauren over the last few months. Don't 'ya just love Dad's glasses and Mom's hair?
Heredity is a very scary thing...............Join me in throwin' back to your baby pictures!
Click on the CD to listen to the sweet giggle. She already thinks her mama is funny...or funny looking.
I'd love to hear about your Throwback Memories. If you'd like to participate, steal the logo above, sign the Mr. Linky below and leave a comment.
Lynne- thanks for stopping by my blog! Your kids are very cute... you certainly have your hands full!!!
What is the throwback Thursday? Do you just take any memory from the past and blog?
Yeah, it's just a memory lane sort of thing for me. I'm just having fun with it. I usually post a picture, 'cause I can't resist good pictures. But, good stories are great too!
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