Thanks to the girls at 5 minutes for mom for hosting the Ultimate Blog Party. I'm new to blogging and this is a great way to network with other mom bloggers.
This is my first online party. The last time I went online to meet people, I met my husband Clif! Yes, we dated online when online dating wasn't so cool. Actually, the online portion of our dating lasted only a few hours. It's one of those things you would tell your daughter not to do. We met, talked on the phone and went to dinner over the course of bout 12 hours. That was over 7 years ago.
Today we have 4 children ages 3, 17 months, 17 months, and 17 months -Austin, John, Lauren, and Tyler. After being diagnosed with PCOS in 1995 I knew that when the time came, I'd have to resort to fertility to get pregnant. We started trying shortly after the honeymoon and after clomid, 4 rounds of IVF and 1 miscarriage we were finally successful via adoption.
We had a great adoption experience and wanted Austin to have a sibling. After many discussions, we decided to try yet another IVF. Round number 5 was more than a success. It was the trifecta of pregnancies. Austin would become a big brother to triplets! And Babies Make Six!
As triplet pregnancies go, it was fairly smooth. I did fairly well, except for a migraine that required a hospital stay, and the babies did great until Lauren's placenta started wimping out. At 29 weeks, 1 day we delivered three tiny babies into the world. John was in NICU for 6 weeks and Lauren and Tyler came home after 10 weeks. The fun began. The last couple of years have been a complete blur, but we still have our sanity and a beautiful family.
My husband calls our routine Groundhog Day after the movie. It does get a little repetitious, but as they are getting older and mobile the routine is varying from day to day. We are on the cusp of having 3 little walkers. We already have 3 little imitators. They LOVE their big brother.
I look forward to meeting some new folks. Have fun!
I met my hubby over aol when we were seniors in high school. We chatted for a bit...talked on the phone for a bit..then went on our first date. We dated for 3 years...broke up...went our own ways and then got back together, got married and had two babies. :o)
I love how meeting online allowed us to first be attracted to each other's personalities.
I do remember one time, my mom told some people that I was moving in with some guy I met off of the internet. I am sure that didn't sound too good.
Wow have you got your hands full! But I'm sure you probably won't have it any other way! It was nice to meet you!
I will never ever complain that 2 kids are hard ever again! Wow, you must be SuperMom!
Here via the Ultimate Blog Party!
Great story! I think it's so amazing how many people I hear of that have met on the internet and it actually works! And you have such beautiful children.
Nice to "meet" you
I have PCOS, too, and managed to conceive our daughter without medical intervention (I totally believe it was divine intervention). How lucky you are to be blessed with all your children!
Sarah in Canada
Ultimate Blog Party
Just stopped in from the P-A-R-T-Y to say hello! Enjoy all the blogs!
Your kids are so precious, I'm sure it's fun having triplets!
What a beautiful family!
I too met my husband online over 11 years ago..and another thing we have in common is PCOS and infertility.
Just stopping by from the UBP!
I met my husband online as well. It was really an accident and TOTALLY meant to be. It is amazing and I love him so much. I'm sure there are still people back home that think I am nuts!
Great party! I'll be back to visit again!
I only have one child, but I TOTALLY get the reference to a mom's day being like "Groundhog Day!" Today's little different for us so far- he usually takes his long nap in the afternoon, but this morning he's changing things up by having a long morning nap, allowing me to catch up on blogging and enjoy this wonderful party!
What sweet kids! I am sure you have full hands but a full heart as well. Thanks for having me over!
I have a 2 & 3 yr old kind of like twins. I totally get the groundhog day thing for sure! Our little miracles also did some time in the NICU! Its amazing how they help these little babies!
Visiting for the party! Nice to meet you! LOVE your babies story!
Just cruising by the party blogs to say hello! Nice to meet you!
I met my hubby on line too!That was tfour years ago back when my mom would have died if she knew how we met. Of course she met her now hubby on line and has been married almost a year! LOL
You had me hooked when I saw your header. What a beautiful family!
Wow, You are amazing! I'm glad you're finding time to party!
It was nice stopping by. I think I'll definitely be back to read about your parenting adventures!
Your boys are beautiful! Have a great blog-party.
Nice to meet ya!!
What a great family... and a wonderful story. My DH and I also met online. The funny thing is... our parents knew each other, but because of our age difference, we never knew each other. I'm bookmarking your site so I can come back during the week and browse a bit while getting to know you. Have fun partying-- I know I am!!
Hi nice to meet you
wow you have triplets I love little people I have my bachelor in early childhood
love your slide show they are so cute
I"m with big mama! What a gorgeous family you have!!!
don't forget to add me to your stops on the ultimate party for the party favors!
@ the 160acrewoods
just hopping the ultimate partE trail!!
Party hopping! Thanks for the hospitality. Nice to meet you, and if you get a chance, stop by and have a cup of coffee with me in my little corner of the party!
Hi! I'm here for the Ultimate Blog Party!
Party on!!
swinging in for the party!!!!
WOW Lots to do. I just love your blog. See ya in FoFo land.
Thanks for sharing
You made me giggle
Making the party rounds. Internet dating - cool! Your kiddos are just precious! Have a great party week!
You have a beautiful family!!
Just stopping by to say hello to all the party people - it's nice to meet you.
Stop by my place when you have time (you know, when you aren't running after all those precious little ones!) =)
Love the redheads. I can't believe you have time to blog.
Oh my goodness, it sounds like you've got your hands full. Your kids are so beautiful!
Wow, when do you have time for ANYTHING? You must be an amazing Mom and woman! Stopped by via Blog Party! Come by mine IF you get time, lol. Nice to meet you, I love all the photos.
Here via the blog party! It is great to "meet" you! They are absolutely adorable. You must have a house filled with laughter and love.
Just dropping in from Romania! Looks like you have your hands full.
All I can say is WOW! I admire you--4 kids under 3! Scarey but I bet you have lots of excitement in your life! Nice to meet you -Have fun at the party.
Just surfin the party! Nice to meet you!
I am partying over at Sew What's Up, just easier than you having to browse all my blogs, but feel free!!!
Party on, I am going to check out more of you blog!TTFN
Oh my goodness, you most certainly do have your hands full!
I met my hubby online as well :)
Thanks for hosting a party!
Please drop by my place if you have a chance.
Your kids are adorable, and you soooo have my admiration. I'll be you NEVER get to stop. Thanks for the party invite!
ha! butterfly kisses - my mom said the same thing! to be sure, that was right after the wedding, but eh...
WOW - you must be soooo busy!
We are nervous that Susan (my twin and business partner) might have twins - we are both early in our pregnancies. That would mean we would essentially have triplets! (We share the kids so one of us can work. Let me tell you - I can NOT handle three newborns, a two year old and a five year old!!!!) So here is hoping there is only ONE baby in her belly. (I know that there is only one in mine!)
So fun to see the pics of your kids - HOW CUTE ARE THEY!??!?
Oh, I wish I had "met" you before I had my birth story contest! I'm sure that your triplets birth was something to talk about! They are lovely little kiddos! I have 7 kids and pray for twins with every single one, and still pray for twins! Triplets might be a bit much for me to pray for, but I'd love it if it did happen.
Wow what a great story, you sure do have a gorgeous family :)
Thanks for inviting us to your blog, have a great party week :)
I love to see other large families. Your children are beautiful! I'm here with the blog party! This is so much fun!
Dropping by for the party!!!! Hope your having a great one!!!!
I also had 4 kids under 3 at one time! It's such an adventure! I had a 3 year old, a 20 month old and then twins. Always good times! I'll keep coming back to see what fun things are going on here! Cute kids!
absolutely beautiful family!!! thanks for sharing your story. Come by and say hi if you get a nano second between watching the kids ;).
I love your story!! The family is just beautiful and what a gift!! I know they keep you busy...but they are so much fun.
I hope you'll get a chance to stop by my party too.
:-) Susan
I'm new to blogging as well, decided to join the party to meet new people. Your babies are adorable. Come on over to my blog and visit.
Hi Lynne!
It's nice to meet someone else with the same spelling of my - our - name. And also from Georgia. Small world. You've got a great looking family. Hat's off to you - you've sure got your hands full. And I thought I had it rough being "given" a teenager to raise! Stop by again.
What a great story. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing your story and thanks for being a great party host. ;-)
Wow, what adorable sweeties you have! Neat story about you and your husband's first meeting -- I know another couple or two who met online and later married.
Thanks for throwing a party for us! I'm here visiting from Memphis, TN. :) Have fun!
Stopping by the party circuit to say hello. Loved reading your story! What a neat family.
Your kiddos are darling! I have a red head in my little family too :) Enjoy the parties!
Thanks for inviting me in.
I met my hubby online, too. Everyone tells me I'm lucky he wasn't an axe murderer.
My cousin is pregnant with triplets right now. I may send her a link to your blog.
What sweet children you have! I am visiting via the blog party. I am also going to be the mama of 4 children, although they won't be quite so close in age (almost 5, almost 3, 1, next will be 18m. apart) Hope you're havin' fun at the party! :)
Just dropping by from the blog party!
You have a beautiful family. What a great story. I bet you have a party at your house in real life!
Its a party at your house every day! I love that red hair and blue eyes. My youngest (15) has red hair! Not sure where it came from!
I'm sure your life is chaotic but fun! Love the beautiful pictures that you've included for all to see.
And I love your attitude that you exuded in the post. You go, Lynne!
Yeah, your kids are cute. But, you and your hubby look so happy - that made me smile. You both look like you love parenting 4 little ones!
Thanks for stopping by my party!
Party on, Lynne!
I love your story! You have such a cute family. I bet you are one busy lady!! :)
Wow! triplets! How exciting and exhausting. My one male four year old is a whirlwind sometimes. You must be an amazingly patient woman. I may have to come back here to see if I can figure out what you're doing right!
Just stopped by from the party. You've got cute kids and a great sense of humor about raising multiples. Now that my twins are 14 months and walking really well every day is a different adventure. But I totally get the groundhog day movie reference. I still have their routine from 6-9 months memorized.
First of all, your children are absolutely adorable! I'm sure you must have lots of fun each and every day with the 4 little ones running around!
Glad I stopped by and it's so nice to meet you!
Niceto meet you! Enjoy the party
Your children are beautiful! I love your story of how you met your hubby.
Hey! I'm one of those people who never leave a party! haha
You have 4 beautiful children! I have 11 year old boy/gorl twins and a 21 month old ddaughter... life is fun! groundhog day? Don't let it get to you cause the schedule thing is your salvation when they're young! With my littlest, we haven't had as much a schedule for "her" as she has to fit into the schedule (usually). But she's a pretty low-maintenance child... no biggy tantrums or demands I can't/won't meet... yet!
Nice to meet you!
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