Sunday, March 4, 2007

Problem Eaters

My head is spinning from all of the blogs I'm trying to visit during the Ultimate Blog Party! There are some amazing mommies out there. A few sites I have been reading comment on their kids eating habits. Getting toddlers fed the right foods in the right amounts sometimes seems impossible. I thought I'd pass this author's name along.

The triplet group I belong to is quite active and very supportive. One of the current threads is a discussion on toddler eating habits. Several triplet moms suggest reading Elly Satter. I haven't read any of her books yet, but she is highly recommended by some busy moms. I'll be picking out mine to order soon and will be posting my personal review.

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1 comment:

Laura said...

Hello, thanks for visiting me!! Wow you have your hands full. I've read this book and it is amazing and helped us out with our picky eater. Takes the power struggle out of it.
