After our oldest came home we purchased a video monitor that didn't have many frills, but the reception was great. It not only allowed us to keep an eye on him, we were able to learn about him. As first time parents, we were able to keep our distance a little better. I don't think first time parents always realize that babies need some space to learn to comfort themselves. Video monitors give you a little peace of mind and a visual to go by. Sounds over monitors can be very deceiving.
Fast forward 20 months and we started bringing home triplets. Our no frills camera wouldn't get all of the cribs and it had no pan feature. This crazy, hormoned, stressed out, NICU mom ordered a new system with 3, count 'em 3, cameras that hooked to one handheld monitor. It was a little comfort for a mom and dad that still dreamed of NICU monitor sounds. The babies were in our room for several months, but we I needed to be prepared.
Great idea! Two monitors could go in the babies' room and one in big brother's room. The quality of this thing was awful. The static was intolerable. It conflicted with our house wireless network. None of the 3 channels would come in very well. We still have them, but the video part doesn't even work anymore.
This week one of my friend's triplets (16 months old) managed to get herself hurled out of her crib and get a trip to the ER. This has reminded us of how closely we need to pay attention to bumps in the night. I was at Sam's Club two days ago and saw the perfect solution. For half of what we paid for the previous system, I purchased the Nortech Security system.
This system is much better. It also supports 3 channels and only one channel seems to conflict with our network. Only one camera was included in the package, but that's all we need. It pans and tilts and covers most of the babies' room.
A little more peace of mind is worth the money. We are watching closely to see what they are tying when Mommy and Daddy aren't watching. And the bonus is the fun factor. I can hook it up to the tv and at some point I hope to record some fun nap time conversations.
Thumbs up for the new monitor.
Bless your heart! You've got your hands full, but I know your heart is full too!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's always nice to make new friends! I will check back in on you often and hope you'll do the same! Us Southern girls gotta stick together!
What an excellent baby monitor up until recently I had a baby monitor but not a video one
It would be really intereting to watch
I remember when my oldest was little we set up a video camera and watched as she fell asleep and dreamed and then woke up
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