Tuesday, January 29, 2008

On the Mend

Thanks for all of your concerns and prayers for our Friday evening fall. I can guarantee that I won't be entering any stunt woman classes any time soon.
The ortho doctor repeated the XRays and I have an old fracture and a new sprain. No crutches or splints or anything of the sort. Now it's time to tough it out and get it strong again.
My ankle is still bruised as is my arm, shoulders, and a few spots on my back. All of those things will heal quickly, though. I still feel very lucky. It could have been much worse.

Lauren is still not showing any signs of any injuries other than a faint scratch and bruise. She's busy bossing her brothers and out-eating them at every meal.


Anonymous said...

Glad you're finding humor in it all! I have to laugh, my youngest (I've got 4 under four as well, though all singlets) tries to out eat all the others as well.. it's like it's a big race...

Ruby said...

I'm so sorry to hear/read about the fall. I'm glad that Lauren was virtually unscathed and that your injuries will heal fairly quickly. I know that the pain of a sprain can be the same as that of a break. I hope you heal soon and the pain isn't too unbearable.