The girls at 5 minutes from mom continue to impress me! I registered my blog with them just before their Ultimate Blog Party (which was a huge success). They are completely swamped, both are in their first trimester of pregnancy, and they still got my interview posted. Kudos to Susan and Janice.

Click the graphic above to go to the link to the interview. It already seems a little out of date because I got so many comments from the blog party. I "met" some great women and found some really great new blogs to read. There is so much creativity out there. Now....finding the time.
And it's official. I'm a true BooMama fan after her cable tv post that I read last night. Not to slight all of those other blogs, because there are a bunch of wonderful writers out there. But BooMama, you make me laugh!
Hi Lynne,
I drew your name for the cookbook I'm giving away as a prize for visiting my blog during the Ultimate Blog Party. Email me at karlacinidATroadstoeverywhereDOTcom with your mailing address and I will get it in the mail to you next week!
Well thank you a whole bunch for that. I am humbled and encouraged.
By the way, I'm still shaking my head that you have four children under three. The mind, it boggles. :-)
Have a great weekend!
(and if you're wondering how I just popped out of nowhere and found this post, it's because WordPress displays a list of incoming links, and it's all very techy and I don't really understand it, but I'm grateful that it lets me know so that I can thank you properly) :-)
Hi your blog stood out to me
I love your family and its interesting how your family came about
You have been truly blessed
Your interview was interesting :)
LOVE that picture of your babies in the interview! And glad you found me (me, you?) during the blog party :). Blogging is a GREAT outlet and with four little ones, you NEED an outlet, girlfriend!
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