Friday, May 11, 2007

Coffee Fool

We drink lots of java in our house. I used to go in spurts with my coffee drinking, but the last two years my coffee intake has gone up and competes with my husband Clif some days.

The only disagreement about our coffee consuption is the strength of the brew. He would prefer that his coffee be strong enough to slap him in the face to wake him up and I prefer something much less abrasive.

Here's my new compromise: Their coffee is just as they said. It's is extremely fresh and not bitter. I see more fresh coffee beans in my future. I think I can handle a stronger brew of these beans.

Their secret is the speed of which they roast and get the coffee to you. It is roasted and then packed and shipped within 24 hours from one of 5 locations across the US.

For the life of me, I can't remember how I found them. The sad part is I know that I found them in the last couple of weeks. Another confession of what happens when you have Mommy Brain.

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