Friday, November 30, 2007

Funny Kids

We still hear "You've got your hands full!" every time we take the kids out. The frequency per trip is less, however. Once you are able ditch the triplet stroller you can run under the radar a little better unless you have identicals...and then I don't know what to tell you.

Today we met our friend Carol for a visit and lunch. One of the waiters in the restaurant wanted to know if they were "triples". He couldn't remember the translation in English. I said "Yes and big brother." All he could get out was "WOW!" Another guy at the table next to us did use the standard hands full comment. These were the only comments today. What a refreshing change.

Unlike the assumptions of Atlanta's own Neal Boortz, multiple moms don't typically ask for the attention. In fact, I don't like stopping traffic at all. We have seen foot traffic and car traffic slow or stop on several occasions. We have literally seen wives poke their husbands as they drive by when we walk on the sidewalk. I don't mind when it's someone nice who is just surprised or excited. In fact, we have made many a grandmother's week.

The most fun we have had was on a mall trip when the babies were under 1. An elderly woman from Brazil stopped, gasped, and put her hands over her mouth. She didn't speak English, but her expressions said it all. Her son spoke English and explained that she was here for a visit and had never seen triplets. He said that this had made her trip. The fun did turn weird when he asked if he could take a picture of her with us.

I think the reactions come from people imagining what it must be like to have this many kids this close together. Guess what? It's not that bad if. . .you organize, plan, have a sense of humor, get a little sleep, and have good help.

Moving into our third year of this crazy, new life has made us appreciate lots of things. Their little bits of independence give us a little more time to get household chores done. We are even getting some sleep (when my occasional insomnia doesn't get in the way). And we no longer look at each other as say, "Can you believe we have four kids?" (We literally did that for more than the first year.)

This is actually getting fun. All four kids are playing together, singing together, fighting with each other, talking in paragraphs, and just plain making us laugh. Clif says it's getting easier. I wholeheartedly disagree, but that's a Venus/Mars thing. Women probably tend to worry more about minute to minute safety at this age then men.

Safety concerns are what make this stage hard. Tonight Tyler was on top of a laundry basket turning our porch light on and off. I'm sure the neighbors were trying to figure out if we were using Morse Code for some extra help. Later he got on a chair and started swatting at the window blinds . . . just because.

All in all we're doing quite well with this unexpected big family of ours. When it gets hectic and I've heard "Mommy...Mommy...Mommy" for the 121st time in an hour, I'm going to look at the collage above.

Then I'll smile.

Get a new gray hair. (Thanks Christy for whatever you do to cover these up.)

Smile again.


Today is my baby brother's birthday. Happy 31st BJ!


Tanya Siekman said...


They are so cute! Love the collage too.

Don't people drive you nuts sometimes? Once a lady argued with her husband that my kids weren't triplets because "one of them was a girl" ... ha ~


Kellan said...

I have twins (now 15) and know whaqt you mean - people are fascinated by multiples. I too, stop Mom's of multiples and want to ooh and aah over them. They are simply a gift from God and they fascinate everyone. You are very lucky to be so blessed. See you soon and have a good weekend. Kellan

Rolyndia said...

Your family is so cute. We have triplets also, two boys and one girl and they will be six in February. It does get easier and they are a lot of fun. They truly know how to entertain. I just got rid of our triplet stroller this summer and got the same looks and questions. It is fun to see the expressions people make when you say "Yes, they are triplets." My blog site is and my email is, if you are ever interested.

MaryBeth said...

It is nice to hear from someone who is just out there ahead of us... we have one who'll be 3 in March and 3 who are 15 months! I hope that we handle things as well as you guys seem to be. I long for the day when I can go by myself with all 4 somewhere and not have to take a triple stroller!!

Anonymous said...

It gives me such joy to see you enjoying the gifts God has given you. I just wish I could be with them more. The phone and Internet are such blessings for distances.
Love, Mom

Kelly said...

I loved this post! Thanks for the insight that once we dump the triple stroller, some of the comments will die down. The collage is just great, so adorable!